Ultrasound | Outpatient Imaging Diagnostics | Advantage Diagnostics

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Because it can be used in the most delicate conditions without major side effects, ultrasound has become one of the most popular diagnostic methods among both patients and physicians. It may provide your doctor all the information needed to recommend a course of action, eliminating the need for other types of more complicated exams or exploratory surgery.

Diagnostic ultrasound allows physicians to diagnose without invading the body with dyes, radiation or exploratory surgery. Ultrasound uses energy in the form of sound waves that are a frequency higher than the normal range of hearing. These sound waves are transmitted into the body by an instrument known as a transducer, a device that converts one form of energy into another. Sound waves from the transducer are reflected off the internal organs and interpreted by the scanner to create an image on a video display terminal. These images are then printed onto paper, to be recorded as a series of pictures. You are able to see the video display as the ultrasound examination is performed. The words "ultrasound study," "ultrasound exam," and "sonogram" all mean the same thing and are often used inter-changeably by medical personnel. The person performing the ultrasound is called an ultrasonographer. Specific training, certification and credentials are required before one can become a registered ultrasonographer.

Are there risks?

There are no known harmful effects for standard diagnostic ultrasound.

How should I prepare for the procedure?

You should wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing for your exam. Other preparation depends on the type of examination you will have. For some scans, your doctor may instruct you not to eat or drink for as many as 12 hours before your appointment. For others, you may be asked to drink up to six glasses of water two hours prior to your exam and avoid urinating, so that your bladder is full when the scan begins. Please ask our friendly staff when scheduling your appointment what preparation is needed for your particular exam.

Who interprets the results and how do I get them?

A Board Certified Radiologist will analyze the images and send a report with his/her interpretation to the patient's personal physician within 24-48 hours.

Ultrasound services are offered at the following location:

  • Beachwood

No Insurance?

For individuals who do not have insurance coverage, Advantage offers low self pay rates for all radiology exams including MRI and CT. Advantage's rates are a fraction of what other imaging companies offer.

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